Sunday 25 December 2011

Mudra Vigyan

                                   Etaa Mudraa na jaanaati, Gaayatri nishphalaa bhaveta                                  
                                 To him who does not know Mudras, Gayatri becomes ineffectual

Ganesh Mudra : Hold your left hand in front of your chest with the palm facing outward. Bend the fingers.Now grasp the left hand with the right hand, which has its back facing outward. Move the hands to the level of the heart, right in front of the chest.While exhaling, vigorously pull the hands apart without releasing the grip. This will tense the muscles of the upper arms and chest area. While inhaling, let go of all the tension. Repeat 6 times and then lovingly place both hands on the sternumin this position. Focus on the feeling in this part of your body. Then change the hand position: your right palm now faces outward. Repeat the exercise 6 times in this position. Afterward, remain in silence for a while. Once a day is enough

Gyan MudraIn this position the fingers are held with the tip of the index finger touching the tip of the thumb and the remaining three fingers nearly straight--kind of like an "OK" sign, except the palms of each hand are pointed up or front.
This mudra is good for: stresses and strains, insomnia, emotional instability, indecisiveness, excessive anger, idleness, laziness, indolence, and is a great help in increasing memory and I.Q. It can help cure sleeplessness and get one off sleeping pills where these are being taken.
There are a number of variations of this mudra for higher and higher degrees of attainment e.g. Purna Gyan Mudra, Vairagya Mudra, Abhay Mudra, Varad Mudra, Dhyan Mudra, Mahagyan Mudra. As one keeps attaining higher and higher levels of the mind, the mudra's change.

Pushan Mudra : Right hand: The tips of the thumb, index finger, and middle finger are on top of 
each other; the other fingers are extended.
Left hand: The tips of the thumb, middle finger, and ring finger are on top of each other, the other fingers are extended. This mudra symbolizes accepting and receiving with the gesture of one hand and letting things flow, giving, and letting go with the gesture of the other. Both should be coordinated with each other in digestion. It influences the energy currents that are responsiblefor absorbing and utilizing food, as well as helping with elimination. It intensifies breathingand therefore the absorption of oxygen and the release of carbon dioxide in the lungs.
It has a relaxing effect on the solar plexus ,the area of the stomach, liver, spleen, and gallbladder, regulates energies in the autonomic nervous system, mobilizes energies of elimination, and detoxifies. It has an excellent
effect on general or acute nausea, seasickness, flatulence,and that sensation of fullness one feels after meals

Vayu Mudra: This finger position is unbeatable in quickly and effectively removing the accumulated wind in the stomach. Depending on one's physiology, it may take anywhere from 1 minute to 15 minutes or so to effectively expel all accumulated wind in the stomach without the use of anti-flatulants. Mudra should be stopped when the trouble abates.
It helps in alleviating all wind based aches and pains. Considering that almost 80 % of the body's aches and pains are due to wind, the practice of this Mudra is a must, before taking recourse to any other treatment. It is very effective in Parkinson's disease (an ailment of the nerves where the patients body, head and limbs shake uncontrollably).

Shunya Mudra: This helps those with impaired hearing. If there is no physical defect, the mudra, if practiced regularly, can restore the hearing power. Remarkably, it helps in getting rid of earaches within minutes. It takes no mare than 2 to 3 minutes to get rid of most earaches.
It helps in relieving the nausea and vomiting sensations felt while driving on winding hilly curves or while taking off or landing in aircrafts. It helps in many problems of vertigo.
The mudra should not be continued after the problem has been removed.

Apan-Vayu Mudra: This finger position works like an injection in cases of a heart attack. Regular practice is an insurance in preventing heart attacks, tacho-cardia, palpitations, depressions, sinking feeling of the heart. Also known as the Mritsanjivani Mudra for arresting heart attack

Pran Mudra: This finger position is an all time useful Mudra and can be done for any length of time, any time, any place and will only help in adding to the benefits. This is the mudra which, along with the Apan Mudra, precedes any efforts at higher meditation by the Yogis and saints. The mudra helps to increase the Pran Shakti or the "Life force". It increases one's self confidence. It helps the body in increasing it's vitality and sustenance when deprived of food and water.
It helps in improving weak eyesight and quiescence (motionlessness) of the eyes.
It supports any other treatment where the patient is short on confidence.

Aatmanjali Mudra: Helps in centering the consciousness of the mind

Aakash Mudra: Helps to remove weakness of bones, hearing deficiency.
Caution: This Mudra should not be done while walking

Surabhi Mudra : Is a very effective and powerful Mudra. By itself this Mudra helps a sadhak (an aspirant practitioner) to break any barriers which he may face when on the thresh hold of samadhi (the ultimate meditation).
In this Mudra the ethereal elements combine such as to magnify and multiply their powers and produce powerful results on the body. Vayu (Wind; symbolised by the first finger) meets Aakash (Ether; symbolised by the middle finger), to stabilise the chakra (the circle) of the universe. Again Prithvi (Earth; symbolised by the ring finger) meets Jal (Water; symbolised by the small finger), to produce the generative power of the universe.
With constant practice, this mudra helps to stabilise and bring in resonance the Nabhi Chakra or the circle of the navel, so essential for the ultimate elevation of the human mind and body. The mudra has 4 variations, each of which gives different results.

Prithvi Mudra: Increases solidity in the body. Removes weakness, lack of body solidity. Helps gain for underweights. chronic fatigue and weakness

Yoni Mudra Helps to overcome loss of virility, loss of Satwik Gunas ( pure qualities)

Surya Mudra: It helps to reduce the accumulated fat in the body and unwanted cholesterol. in accumulated fat in body, reduction in cholesterol.

LINGA MUDRA : Join both the palms and lock the facing fingers together, keeping one thumb upright. The upright thumb must be encircled by the other thumb and the index finger. 

Makes the body resistant to colds, coughs and chest infections by generating heat in the body, and destroying accumulated phlegm in the chest. 

It helps in weight reduction too, but has to be practiced with restraint. 

The intake of at least eight glasses of water, and butter and ghee (clarified butter) as cooling agents in sufficient quantities is a must. 

The intake of at least eight glasses of water, and butter and ghee (clarified butter) as cooling agents in sufficient quantities is a must. 

Due to the heat it generates, it may not be possible to practice this mudra with as much ease and flexibility as the other mudras. It might prove taxing and result in a feeling of lethargy

Shankh Mudra: Tone therapy, speech defects, Indigestion, loss of appetite.

Hakini MudraPlace all the fingertips together. The Hakim Mudra can be practiced at any time. When you would like to remember something, or want to find the red thread again, place your fingertips together, direct your eyes upward, place the tip of your tongue on your gums while inhaling, and let the tongue fall again while exhaling. Then take a deep breath-and what you wanted should immediately occur to you. Moreover, when you must concentrate on something for a longer period of time, could use some good ideas, or want to remember something that you have read, this mudra can be useful. When doing mental work, don't cross your feet. Sit with your eyes facing west. This mudra can do true wonders, and you should always keep it in the back of your mind in case of an emergency.

This finger position has been researched quite well; it has been determined that it promotes the cooperation between the right and left brain hemispheres. It is also recommended today in memory training. It opens access to the right hemisphere, which is where the memory is stored. This mudra also improves and deepens respiration, and the brain profits from it as well.

Mahasirs Mudra :The tips of your thumb, index finger, and middle finger touch each other. Place your ring finger into the fold of the thumb and keep your little finger extended. Do this with each hand. Do as needed, or three times every day for 6 minutes.
Headaches have a great variety of causes and can hardly be made to disappear once and for all with one single mudra. Frequently, weather influences or tension in the eyes, neck, back, or pelvis are at fault; or there are problems with the sinuses or digestion. All of this can result in too much energy being focused on the head, and this leads to tension that causes pain in the head. In order to release this tension, it is important to direct consciousness into other body parts abdomen, feet, or hands. The Mahasirs Mudra balances energy, has a tension-relieving effect, and eliminates mucous congestion in the frontal sinuses.
While exhaling, imagine that waves of energy are flowing down from your head through your neck, back, arms, and legs, and leaving through your hands and feet. After a while, imagine that your head is clear, cool, clean, and light. In conclusion, stroke your face with spread fingers and enjoy the feeling for a while.

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