Wednesday 20 June 2012

Tantra , Mantra and Yantra

 General Tantra Sadhanas
Spiritual practices are purely individual; in the sense it is different for everybody and
should be done as per one's Guru's guidance.
Lot of people claim that they did not get a guru and wants to practice, then how can it be
Following are general sadhanas which one can perform without any Spiritual Master or
1. Practice everyday some simple breathing technique, inhale from the left nostril exhale
in right, then again inhale in right and exhale in left this will complete one round. Practice
21 rounds. Dont hold the breath.
2. Lie down on your back relax and observe the breath in your throat for 10 minutes.
Any one of the following:
1. Read Sapthashati one adhyaya everyday.
2. Read Lalitha Sahasranama.
3. Read Vishnu Sahasranama.
4. Read "Ga" kara Ganapati Sahasranama.
5. Read Shiva Sahasranama.
6. Read "Kavacha" of your deity (favorite god - Ista).
7. Read 108 names of your deity.

For Spiritual Practices, there is no shortcut, doing everyday is very important. Doing
Tantra Sadhanas on particular auspicious days such as lunar eclipse, solar eclipse,
amavasya, navarathri gives much power to the Sadhaka.
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Different Types of Nyasas
Nyasa - Placing seed letters (beejaksharas) in different parts of the body.
1. Rishyadi Nyasa
2. Bahirmaatrika Nyasa
3. Antarmaatrika Nyasa
4. Karashuddi Nyasa
5. Atma Raksha Nyasa
6. Chaturaasana Nyasa
7. Baalaashadanga Nyasa
8. Vaagdevata Nyasa
9. Tatva Nyasa
10. Moola Vidya Nyasa
11. Anthaschakra Nyasa
12. Bahischakra Nyasa
 13. Kaameshwaraadi Nyasa
14. Shree Shodashaakshari Nyasa
15. Sammohana Nyasa
16. Samhara Nyasa
17. Sristi Nyasa
18. Sthithi Nyasa

Tantra Principle:
It is a very prevalent idea that Tantra means witchcraft and is also associated with sex. If
you put “Tantra” key word in search engines like google, rediff, yahoo, then surprisingly
lot of web sites with “Tantric sex” will popup. It is a wrong notion propagated by so
called cultured and educated. Tantra means the union of the lower principle that is
“prikrithi” with the higher principle that is “purusha”. When this union happens, it
becomes “poorna”, that fullness is realization.
Vedanta also speaks about this through upanishads, but they have not given the practice
to attain this perfection. Tantra is a direct path like chemistry. In chemistry, if you mix
two chemicals you get certain products that happens physically. In tantra also when you
follow a particular path you get immediate effect internally.
Tantra is not the goal of a sadhaka, is a path which leads to perfection. It teaches the way
and effect of “Mantra” on human mind and system.

“Mananaath traayathe ithi mantraha”. By repeating by which a person crosses all the
bondages and barriers is called “mantra”.
It expresses various moods of the internal self. The person who repeats this will get the
concrete form of the mantra that is “moorthi”. The person becomes one with the devata
How Mantra can be used!!!
You might have seen several web sites on “Tantra and Atharva veda” which gives you
different mantras or description of tantra, and so on, but you rarely get information on
how mantra can be used.
Hopefully this gives you a brief idea of “How mantra can be used.” and if they are used
for bad purposes, then can be neutralized using certain “Reverse back” techniques.
How mantra is used…
The mantras are used in six techniques called “shatkarma”.

1. Shanthi - to subside.
If a person becomes the victim of “shanthi karma”, he will be completely mentally and
physically weak.
2. Vashya - to attract.
If a person becomes the victim of “vashya karma”, he will be attracted to a particular
object even if he does not desire it.
3. Sthambhana - to stop.
A person who is a victim of “sthambhana karma” will stop all his activities internal like
digestion, etc and external like movement, etc.
4. Vidhveshana - to separate.
A person who is a victim of “vidhveshana karma” will have complete misunderstanding
with his desired object.
5. Ucchatana - to send away.
A person who is a victim of “Ucchatana karma” will not be able to think about a
particular thing constantly or to stay in one place constantly.
6. Maarana - to destroy.
A person who is a victim of “Maarana karma” will be fully destroyed mentally or
What happens when one person uses these “karmaas” on some other people…..
1. He will be able to separate “wife and husband” or “friends” or “business partners”.
2. He can kill or make mentally disabled anybody he wants but no one can identify how it
3. He can stop one’s business or completely ruin health. Those diseases even cannot be
identified by specialists.
If you identify any of these things without any reason, then following are the remedies:
The same science which has invented all these destroying “karmaas” has the protecting
remedies also that is called “Pratyangira vidya“. There are two words in sanskrit,
“prathyang” and “paraang”.
1. Paraang - means outward or negative.
2. Prathyang - means inward or positive.
Pratyangira vidya means use the “mantra devata or diety” to destroy all evil activities and
the spirit.
Whatever I explained on top are uses of mantra for bad purposes, but it can also be used
constructively to get several benefits.
Mantra should be taken from a Guru who already got siddhi. After getting initiation, it
should be recited everyday at least 108. Daily recitation of mantra can cure several types
of disorders such as some systemic disorders, emotional and mental distress such as
anxiety, depression, general melancholy, or negativity and it gives good inner strength.
Philosophy of Tantras
Though the Tantras are innumerable there are certain features, which are common to all.
Generally, the subjects dealt with Tantras are divided into four “Padas or divisions.”
1. Jnanapada
2. Yogapada
3. Kriyapada
4. Charyapada
Jnanapada gives the philosophy upon which Tantras are based. It is combination of
Vedanta and Sankhya principles.
Yogapada deals with the sadhanas or spiritual disciplines that help an individual aspirant
to attain union with the supreme self, which is the final goal of life.
Since the individual is a part of society and his spiritual progress is closely related to that
of the society Tantra also gives a way of life to the society. Towards this Tantras provide
yaga (sacrifice) or through the sacred spots of pilgrimage. These are the topics covered
under Kriyapada.
Charyapada, the last, provides rituals and modes of sadhanas needed in an individual’s
Sri Ramakrishna and Tantra
Sri Ramakrishna is a worldwide-recognized saint. Swami vivekananda is a disciple of Sri
Ramakrishna. He used to live in famous Dakshina Kali Temple in Dakshineshwar, West
Bengal, India. He was a great devotee of Ma Kali.
He told to his devotees and disciples to follow “Bhakti marga or path of devotion.” But
he himself practiced Tantra under the guidance of a tantric scholar called Bhairavi
brahmani. He did all tantric rituals including “Shava Sadhana,” a sadhana that includes
sitting on a corpse for Japa (recitation of mantra). This is considered as the highest tantric
Though, he practiced Tantra himself, he didn’t preach it because of the siddhis one can
attain and fear of falling into worldly life with instead of getting rid of it and moving
towards god/self realization.
Mantra, Japa, and Purascarana
Mantra – Etymologically, mantra means Man – to reflect and Tra – to protect, so mantra
is something, which protects from samsara or worldly problems and gives ultimate
liberation or moksha. Mantra according to Tantras is not just a group of words but it
signifies an object or deity. It is the sound symbol of a particular deity.
Mantras are classified of three types – Masculine, Feminine, and Neuter. Mantras ending
with Hum, Vasat, and Phat are masculine; those ending with Swaha or Vausat are
feminine; and ending with Namaha are of Neuter type.
Masculine and Neuter mantras are called “mantra” and feminine are called “vidya” hence
the name “sri vidya” for Shodashi mantra.
Japa - Repetition of mantra is japa.
Japa is of three types:
1. Vacika – Done audibly.
2. Upamshu – Done in whispering tone.
3. Manasa – Done mentally.
Purascarana – It is so called because, the deity of the aspirant is pleased by his devoted
practice moves (carana), before (puras) him.
Purascarana constitutes five main elements.
1. Aksara laksha japa.
2. Puja.
3. Homa.
4. Tarpana.
5. Feeding (Bhojana)Brahmanas.
Tantra - Introduction
Every religion in this world has a founder, a scripture, and church or religious institution,
but Hinduism is an exception. Although, the Hinduism has produced number of yogis,
scholars, it doesn’t have a single person as founder. It has different traditions, methods of
religious practices, different deities, temples, institutions, and so on. Tantras form a major
category of religious literature among these. The word Tan - means to spread, Trai –
protect, means any work that spreads and through that knowledge gives protection.
According to Tantric texts, Tantras are innumerable but sometime they are stated to be
64. There are various ways of classifying Tantras.
I – Agama and Nigama
Agama – Shiva answers questions of Devi. Shiva is guru and Devi is disciple.
Nigama – Devi answers questions of Shiva. Devi is guru and Shiva is disciple.
II – Tantras are also classified as Dakshina, Vama, and Madhyama.
According to Tantric texts, there are three regions namely, Vishnukranta, Rathakranta,
and Aswakranta or Gajakranta.
About 64 Tantras are assigned to each of these regions. These three regions spread across

Female and Tantra
In Tantra it is told "Sthriyo devaha sthriyaha pranaha sthriya eva bhoosanam."
The above statement in Tantra says, this world is filled with females (sthriyaha), they are
devatas or deities, they are pranaha or life, so they are to be given respect, they are to be
Tantra is divided into three types, namely, Samayacara or Dakshinacara, Vamachara or
left hand path, and Madhyama which is the mixture of both. In vamacara, sadhana with
women is given. Here woman is considered as sakti or bhairavi and male who does
spiritual practice with her is called Bhairava. In tantra , if one gets initiation from female
Guru, then it is considered to be heighest initiation or diksha. Sadhaka is not supposed to
annoying or scolding his bhairavi/sakti/wife. It is clearly told, who does this will be
disgraced by his deity.
Giving respect to female is also told in Vedas but in tantra it is mandatory. Vaidik
initiations are not given to females. According to tantra, diksha should be given to
females. They are given utmost respect.
SADHANA - Spiritual Journey
Sadhana is that which produces siddhi or the result sought. Simple English translation of
sadhana is all spiritual practices that include Japa (recitation of a mantra), puja, parayana
(reading of Hridaya of a particular deity, kavacha or armour, 108 or 1008 names of the
deity). Also, includes pranayama, nyasa, mudra, etc.
The word sadhana comes from the root sadh, to exert or strive, and sadhana is therefore
striving, practice, discipline, and worship in order to attain success or desired result or
siddhi, which may be of any kinds, worldly or spiritual. He who practices sadhana is
called sadhaka/sadhika.
Sadhakas vary in their physical, mental, and moral qualities and are thus divided into four
types: Mridhu, Madhya, Adhimatraka, and the highest Adhimatratama. Until a sadhaka
becomes siddha (got siddhi or result desired), all sadhana should be done under the
guidance of a guru or spiritual master.
Sadhana of a deity mainly includes the following:
1. Japa of the mantra (recitation).
2. Hridaya parayana (ex: Kali Hridaya). Parayana means reading (should know the
3. Kavacha parayana (ex: Kali kavacha).
4. Sahasranama parayana or Astothara shathanama parayana (108 or 1008 names of the
5. Nithya puja or daily puja of the yantra of the deity as every deity has its own yantra. If
yantra is not possible, then Idol or picture can be used for worship.
Guru and Mantra
"Gukarondhakarascha Rukarasthannivarthakaha"
Guru = Gu+Ru. Gu = andhakara or darkness. Ru = Person who helps to come out of it.
It is told by Parameshwara (Shiva) himself in Tantra Shastras that mantra should be taken
by a Guru (spiritual master) and all spiritual practices should be undertaken under the
guidance of him. all orthodox hindus of all divisions of whorshippers submit themselves
to the direction of a guru. when a candidate comes for initiation, he will be prepared for
initiation (diksha). During deeksha (initiation) divine shakthi consisting of mantra is
transferred from guru to disciple. Guru is the root of initiation (diksha). diksha is the root
of mantra. mantra is the root of devata. devata (deity) is the root of siddhi or fruit of
mantra, thus, mantra is born of guru, devatra of mantra, so that the guru is in a position of
grandfather to the deity of disciple. Without initiation Japa or recitation of mantra taken
by a book is useless.
"mananath thrayathe ithi manthraha"
By the recitation of which gives protection is mantra. Mananath = Recitation of;
Thrayathe = Gives protection.
There are hundreds of mantras for different deities are given in Tantras. Recitation of
these mantras should be undertaken under the guidance of a guru. But what practical
experience shows? How it supports words of Shiva in Tantras? To do japa of powerful
mantras such Mahavidyas (kali, tara, triupra bhairavi, sri vidya, bagalamukhi,
kamalatmika, dhoomavati, bhuvaneshwari, etc) one needs power or shakti to do the japa
of the mantra without a guru, then he will definitely fall ill.
Symptoms of doing Japa without a Guru or not following instructions properly.
1. Headaches. It will be whole day long that doesn't stop even with strong pain killers.
2. Fever.
3. Not getting sleep but only burning eyes.
4. Laziness. If you today you had a very good concentration and did 1008 (10 rounds) of
japa, tomorrow you will have lot of laziness, couldn't get up early, or whatever reason
japa will be stopped and it may continue to until a week or month.
For above all problems remedy is Guru, proper guru can handle these problems and can
guide and remove all the obstacles for his spiritual practices.
Tantric Buddhism
Tantric Buddhism is different from a number of other Buddhist forms. This school of
Buddhism is known as Vajrayana, it is considered as one of the three major 'vehicles'
(Yanas) of Buddhism. This is a brief introduction to Tantric Buddhism.
This resembles the Tantras of Hinduism and it contains lot of different deities which are
like Hindu Tantric Deities. Vajrayana Buddhism is based, to a certain extent, on the
tantras, tantric techniques written in Indian scriptures. It prescribes the technique of 'use
the result as the Path'. It means that a person should try to identify with the enlightened
body, speech and mind of a Buddha. The form of Buddha one can best relate to is known
as yidam (in Tibetan) or ishtadevata (in Sanskrit).
There are lot of Tantric Buddhism symbols. Most of these symbols are said to have been
taken from the Tibetan Buddhism. Major symbols of Tantric Buddhism are given below.
Vajra, Bell, Mala or a rosary, Kapala or skullcup, small handdrum and the larger Choddrum,
Swords, Kartika or curved knife, Khatvanga or stick, hook, Phurba or ritual
dagger, Mallets or Hammers, Bow and Arrow, Trident, Arrow, Lasso.
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Sanskrit - It is very important to learn
Sanskrit is considered as an ancient language. It is very essential to learn Sanskrit to
understand Indian philosophy, Tantra, Vedas, Ayurveda, Astrology, Vastu, etc as they are
all written in sanskrit. Although, most of them are available in English, to understand in
its original meaning we should no know the language. During my high school days, I
really did not know the importance of this language. Somebody told me to take Sanskrit
as a third language, I took it but now a days when I read sanskrit verses, I understand
most of them, though cannot understand complex scriptures in depth and I understood the
importance of this language. So, may be in a couple of months I am going to post basic

Dasha Mahavidyas